Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Execution of 6 Kurdish prisoners in Iran

A Kurdish prisoner of conscience and five prisoners accused of drug crimes and murder were executed in Iran's prisons, thus the number of executions this year exceeded 210. On the morning of Wednesday, May 15th, Khosro Besharat, a Kurdish prisoner of conscience, was executed in Qezel Hesar prison in Karaj. This Sunni prisoner was transferred to solitary confinement the previous day and had met his family for the last time in the past few days.
Khosrow Basharat, a 39-year-old Kurdish citizen from Mahabad, was arrested in February 2009 by security forces in Mahabad city and transferred to Urmia Intelligence Department detention center. After the end of the interrogation period, this political prisoner spent some time in Mahabad, Urmia and Ward 350 of Evin Prison and was transferred to Rajaei Shahr Prison in Karaj. The court hearing on the charges of "action against national security", "propaganda against the system", "membership in Salafi groups" and "corruption in the land" against Khosrow Basharat and his co-accused was held in the end of March 2014 in Branch 28 of Tehran Revolutionary Court under the chairmanship of Judge Moghiseh. . This court sentenced him and 6 of his co-accused to death. In the past few months, the death sentence of 5 other co-convicts of this prisoner of conscience, namely Qasim Abste, Ayoub Karimi, Dawood Abdullahi, Farhad Salimi, and Anwar Khezri, had been executed. At the same time, on the morning of Wednesday, May 15, the death sentence of three prisoners named Syros Hayatbini, Mohammad Karim Fazli and Mohammad Reza Rahimpour, who were previously sentenced to death on charges related to "narcotic drugs", was executed in Qazal Hesar prison in Karaj. Also, on the morning of Tuesday, May 14, the death sentence of at least two prisoners named Farrukh Khan Mohammadi and Reza Gholam Hosseini, who were previously sentenced to death on the charge of "intentional murder", was executed in Ilam Central Prison. According to the statistics of Iran Human Rights Organization, since the beginning of 2024, at least 211 prisoners have been executed in Iran, most of them are accused of drug trafficking and most of them are Baloch and Kurds. 7 women have been executed this year, the number of women who have been executed in the past 14 years reaches 217. In this period of 14 years, at least 8026 people were executed in Iran, 70 of them were executed under the age of 18. After the uprising of women, life, freedom in 2022, the Iranian regime has increased the execution of death sentences in an unprecedented way. The year before this uprising, 333 people were executed in Iran. This number reached 582 people in 2022 and in 2023 the number of executed people increased to 834 people. According to human rights activists, the main reason for the increase in the execution of death sentences in Iran after the uprising of women, life and freedom is part of the regime’s policy of intimidation and repression. In this uprising, at least 537 protesters were killed, most of the victims were Kurds and Baloch, and those who were executed are more than Kurds and Baloch citizens.

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Execution of two Kurdish prisoners in Iran

Two Kurdish prisoners were executed in Urmia and Birjand prisons. On the morning of Thursday, July 25, Kamran Sheikha, a Kurdish prisoner o...