Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Salman Rushdie, Kurds and satanic fatwas of Khomeini

“The conspirators in Kurdistan are at the top of the infidels, I order the government to deal with them severely, the gendarmerie and the army to deal with them severely, if they do not deal with them severely, we will deal with them severely.” These sentences are part of Ayatollah Khomeini’s decree on August 19, 1979; An order that led to a disaster in the Kurdish regions of Iran. read more: https://muhemedemini.home.blog/2022/08/16/salman-rushdie-kurds-and-satanic-fatwas-of-khomeini/

Execution of 9 people in one day.. 7 of them were executed in Kurdistan

At least 7 prisoners were executed in Urumieh and Selmas prisons, and two more prisoners were executed in Nishabour and Qom prisons. In the...