Sunday, June 16, 2024

Reactions to the release of Hamid Nouri.. "This action of Sweden is shameful"

Azadi Hamid Nouri, the former assistant prosecutor of Gohardasht prison who was imprisoned in Sweden, has caused widespread reactions during the exchange of prisoners between Iran and Sweden on Saturday, June 15.
Hamid Nouri, who was freed and left for Iran in exchange for the release of Yohan Flodros and Saeed Azizi, said upon his arrival in Tehran that he was "Hamid Abbasi". A nickname he used as a prosecutor in Gohardasht prison and during the executions of political prisoners in 1988. Parties, political activists and human rights defenders have strongly criticized the approach of the Swedish government during the exchange of Hamid Nouri and considered it "shameful". In its statement, the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran considered this action of the Swedish government shameful and protested against it. In the statement of this Kurdish party, referring to the fact that due to Hamid Nouri's role in the execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Swedish court, but despite that, he was released: "We ask the international community to stand against this The transaction between the government of Sweden and Iran declare a position". Abdullah Mehtadi, the secretary general of Komle party, also declared that "no dirty deal with murderers and hostage takers" can "take back the great achievement" Mr. Mehtadi further wrote: "European governments should know that their blackmailing to the Iranian regime can only encourage this regime to take more hostages, kidnap, extort and terrorism." Also, in the joint declarations of the Revolutionary Workers Organization of Iran (Rah Kargar) and the Communist Party of Iran, they announced: "The selective treatment of the European and American governments with the issue of human rights is not a new thing. Sacrificing human rights for the sake of the political interests of these countries has happened many times. They have even ignored the independence of their judiciary in this way. This selective and hypocritical view has caused the criminal government of the Islamic Republic to rescue its terrorists and diplomat-terrorists in Europe and America. . They added, "The exchange of Kazem Darabi, the murderer of Dr. Sharafkandi and his companions in the Mykonos restaurant, with a German citizen after fifteen years in prison, the exchange of Asadullah Asadi, who was convicted for "planning a terrorist bombing" in Belgium, with Olivier Vandekastel, the hostage-taker. Belgium is one of the other examples. Nazanin Zaghari, an Iranian-British citizen, and then her release by paying millions of pounds from the demands of the British government, or Jason Rezaian, an Iranian-American journalist, was released by the then American president, Barack Obama, by sending "several boxes of money." By plane to Iran, are examples of blackmailing the Islamic Republic through hostage taking that Western governments have indulged in. In the continuation of the joint statement of these two leftist currents: "It is based on these experiences that the regime of the Islamic Republic tries to blackmail European and American countries by arresting Western citizens or people with dual citizenship, and so far in this regard because of the The selective and bargaining of Western governments has been successful." Also, Hasan Rahmanpanah, one of the leaders of Komle (Kurdistan Organization of the Communist Party of Iran) announced: "The citizens of Sweden, ordinary people, went to Iran with the intention of traveling, but Hamid Nouri, a murderer, criminal, came to Sweden with other goals. The prisoners were exchanged. They were neither the same, neither the same crime, nor the same, one was a criminal and a prosecutor and was sentenced to death, and the other two were ordinary people, like tens of thousands of Iranian people, who were imprisoned, tortured and executed, and in no court. With the presence of the jury, the lawyer and the witness and the evidence, they were not charged, but they got a verdict. This action of the Swedish government makes the Islamic Republic more brazen in kidnapping, extortion, terrorism and crime outside its borders. In this regard, Shirin Ebadi, a lawyer and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, also said in this context: "The Swedish government handed over a "criminal" to the Islamic Republic, whose trial in Sweden lasted for 9 months and It was sentenced to life imprisonment, it sprinkled dirt on the face of partial justice that existed in the world. Mrs. Ebadi added: "This great shame and scandal will never be forgotten. If Europe knows that there is no other way to free its citizens than handing over the "criminals", it should clearly tell its citizens that Iran is a dangerous destination and that every European citizen in Iran is a potential hostage for the Islamic Republic. Reza Pahlavi, the former crown prince of Iran, also wrote on X social network in this context: "The release of Hamid Nouri, a war criminal, by the Swedish government, is an insult to the rule of law, human rights and minimum honor." He added: "This irresponsible appeasement with the criminal regime ruling Iran could not even save all the hostages, and will cause more hostage taking and blackmail." Alireza Akhundi, a member of the Swedish parliament, also considered the exchange of Hamid Nouri by the Swedish government to Iran "an insult to the Swedish judicial system and all Swedes of Iranian descent" who have lost their loved ones in the "crimes" of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mr. Akhundi wrote on X social network: "This is a cruel blow to the wife and children of Ahmadreza Jalali, who have not seen their father for many years. "The irresponsible government of Sweden has left a Swedish citizen to his fate." Ahmadreza Jalali, an Iranian-Swedish doctor and researcher, is still imprisoned in Iran. He was arrested by the agents of the Ministry of Information in May 2016 when he traveled to Iran to participate in a scientific conference. Hamid Nouri, 62 years old, was arrested on November 9, 2019 when he arrived at Stockholm airport on a direct flight from Iran, based on a complaint by human rights activists and opponents of the Iranian government to the Swedish police. The Swedish prosecutor's complaint against Hamid Nouri was based on evidence related to the secret massacre of several thousand political prisoners in the summer of 1988 in the prisons of the Islamic Republic. At the time of the executions in the summer of 1988, Hamid Nouri, alias "Hamid Abbasi", was the warden of Gohardasht prison. Although he and his lawyers had different opinions in the court in this regard. According to the principle of international jurisdiction, the Swedish prosecutor's office announced a crime against Hamid Nouri, and the Swedish judicial authorities also tried him based on this. In the case that took 93 sessions in the Swedish judiciary, at least 60 plaintiffs and witnesses and 12 experts in the field of Islamic jurisprudence and international law spoke about Hamid Nouri's case. At the end of a long trial, a court in Sweden sentenced him to life imprisonment in July 2022 for "gross violations of international humanitarian law and murder". On December 2022, an appeals court confirmed the life imprisonment sentence for Mr. Nouri. In March 2023, the Swedish Supreme Court announced that it would not review the appeal against the sentence of Hamid Nouri, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for his participation in the massacre of political prisoners in the summer of 2013, and thus his life sentence was upheld. The spokesman of Iran's Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanani, said: "The release of Hamid Nouri is another result of the diplomacy of the authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran in realizing and securing national interests, as well as resolutely supporting the rights of Iranians." The spokesperson of Iran's Foreign Ministry has also thanked the role of "the Sultanate of Oman in helping to facilitate" the exchange of prisoners between Iran and Sweden.

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