Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A call to boycott the elections by a group of injured and arrested people of the 2022 uprising

A group of injured and arrested people of the revolutionary uprising of 1401 called for a boycott of the elections. On the eve of holding the presidential elections of the Islamic Republic of Iran on June 28, a group of the wounded and detainees of the 2022 Gina revolutionary uprising called for an active boycott of the elections. In this announcement, referring to the obsolescence of elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran, participation in these elections is seen as a confirmation of the oppressive nature and years of poverty, discrimination and repression imposed by this regime, and therefore they have called for a boycott of these elections. https://muhemedemini.home.blog/2024/06/25/a-call-to-boycott-the-elections-by-a-group-of-injured-and-arrested-people-of-the-2022-uprising/ The text of the announcement is as follows: Announcement of actively boycotting elections A group of the wounded and prisoners of the uprising of the life of Azadi Our vote is to actively boycott the elections and the revolutionary overthrow of the Islamic government of Iran. Following the death of Ebrahim Raeesi, the murderer of thousands of political prisoners and also one of the suppressors of the revolutionary uprising of the women of freedom, the presidential election in Iran will be held on Friday, (June 28) and a year earlier than previously scheduled. What is clear is the fact that during the lifetime of this oppressive government, elections did not have any meaning and what happened is the government appointments for power to be transferred from hand to hand and the possibility of looting among themselves. What the people have experienced during these decades is corruption, oppression, discrimination, oppression, poverty, calamity, misery, death and crime, and the ridiculous show of their elections was nothing but a stamp of approval on this oppressive system. Therefore, we, a group of injured and arrested people of the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising, along with the majority of the people and all the fighters for freedom and equality, are actively boycotting these elections and indeed the appointments. What we mean by active boycott is that we not only do not participate in the elections of this government, but we also actively work against this criminal system and we want the revolutionary overthrow of the Islamic government in Iran, and we will not give up any efforts in this way. The majority of people living in Iran have said no to both factions of this government for years, and especially in the January 2017 and November 2019 uprisings, and especially in the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising, they said a big NO to this regime as a whole. As people who were either injured or arrested in this uprising, we, along with the majority of the people, do not say no to this criminal system and do not say no to the elections of this regime, and we consider it our duty to actively fight against it collectively and unitedly. From our point of view, any participation or association with this ridiculous and engineered election is a seal of approval for crime and association with the murderers of our children. We will fight unitedly against this system, which is always engaged in systematically reproducing discrimination and inequality in all political, social, ethnic, cultural, religious-ideological, economic, sexual, gender and environmental dimensions, and boycotting their elections is one of the least important tasks. Our opinion is only the overthrow of Islamic government A woman of freedom signers: Rada Fatehi - Hero Qadimi - Zaniar Tondro - Aristo Pasiyar - Farzad Moradinia - Adnan Hosseini -Ali Masri-Yahiaserkhani-Vahed Roznourd-Ayoub Abdullahi-Ako Maarofi Azar-Kian Derakhshan-Kivan Samadi-Mehrdad Sabouri.

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