Sunday, June 30, 2024

In the provinces that were the center of the revolutionary uprising, participation in the elections was at the lowest level

Official and unofficial statistics show that in the provinces that witnessed the most widespread protests during the revolutionary uprising, people's participation in the elections has dropped the most compared to the previous periods. According to these data, in Kurdistan province, which was one of the main foci of Gina Amini's uprising in 2022, the participation rate was 23%. This is despite the fact that in June 2021 elections, the participation rate of this province was announced as 37.4%. Also, in Kermanshah province, which was another focus of the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising, the participation rate in the elections was 32%, while in the 2021 elections, the participation rate in this Kurdistan province was 46%. In the province of Sistan and Baluchistan, which in 2021 according to the official statistics, the participation rate in the elections was 62.8%, this time the official statistics report a 40% voter participation.
In Gilan province, which was one of the focal points of the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising during the revolutionary uprising, the participation rate in the elections was announced at 32.6 percent. This is despite the fact that in the 2021 elections, the official statistics reported the participation of 57% of the people of this province. In Khuzestan province, which is facing extensive economic problems, unemployment and environmental crises, despite the vast energy resources, unofficial statistics show that only 29.6% of people participated in this round of elections. In the 2021 elections, the official statistics of the participation of the people of Khuzestan was announced as 50%. In the city of Tehran, which was one of the centers of protests, the participation rate in the elections was reported as 23%. Most of the victims of the protests of 2022, which is known as the "woman, life, freedom" uprising, were in these areas, especially Kurdistan and Baluchistan.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

One of the survivors of the sunken migrant boat was arrested for the rape and murder of a teenage girl

The Italian police announced the arrest of one of the survivors of the drowned migrant boat on the charge of murdering a teenage Iraqi girl inside the same boat. The Italian news agency reported on Wednesday (June 26) that the man, who was also Iraqi, had raped the girl after her death, although a police spokesman did not confirm this in an interview with AFP. The police statement emphasizes that while the yacht was far from the coast of Italy, the Iraqi man assaulted and assaulted the 16-year-old girl, another survivor of the boat, causing her to suffocate. The Italian police say that the suspect is in custody in the prison of Catanzaro, the capital of the Calabria region.
Among the passengers of the sunken boat that reached the coastal waters of the Calabria region in Italy from Turkey and then capsized, only 12 people survived and efforts to find the missing people continue. On Monday, June 10, a boat with 76 passengers, who were illegal immigrants, set off from the port of Bodrum in Turkey, three days later, on June 13, the boat capsized, and on June 17, the Italian Maritime Police was able to find this boat and rescue its 11 passengers. 8 of them were Kurds. More than half of the boat passengers were Iranian Kurds and Iraqi Kurds.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A call to boycott the elections by a group of injured and arrested people of the 2022 uprising

A group of injured and arrested people of the revolutionary uprising of 1401 called for a boycott of the elections. On the eve of holding the presidential elections of the Islamic Republic of Iran on June 28, a group of the wounded and detainees of the 2022 Gina revolutionary uprising called for an active boycott of the elections. In this announcement, referring to the obsolescence of elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran, participation in these elections is seen as a confirmation of the oppressive nature and years of poverty, discrimination and repression imposed by this regime, and therefore they have called for a boycott of these elections. The text of the announcement is as follows: Announcement of actively boycotting elections A group of the wounded and prisoners of the uprising of the life of Azadi Our vote is to actively boycott the elections and the revolutionary overthrow of the Islamic government of Iran. Following the death of Ebrahim Raeesi, the murderer of thousands of political prisoners and also one of the suppressors of the revolutionary uprising of the women of freedom, the presidential election in Iran will be held on Friday, (June 28) and a year earlier than previously scheduled. What is clear is the fact that during the lifetime of this oppressive government, elections did not have any meaning and what happened is the government appointments for power to be transferred from hand to hand and the possibility of looting among themselves. What the people have experienced during these decades is corruption, oppression, discrimination, oppression, poverty, calamity, misery, death and crime, and the ridiculous show of their elections was nothing but a stamp of approval on this oppressive system. Therefore, we, a group of injured and arrested people of the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising, along with the majority of the people and all the fighters for freedom and equality, are actively boycotting these elections and indeed the appointments. What we mean by active boycott is that we not only do not participate in the elections of this government, but we also actively work against this criminal system and we want the revolutionary overthrow of the Islamic government in Iran, and we will not give up any efforts in this way. The majority of people living in Iran have said no to both factions of this government for years, and especially in the January 2017 and November 2019 uprisings, and especially in the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising, they said a big NO to this regime as a whole. As people who were either injured or arrested in this uprising, we, along with the majority of the people, do not say no to this criminal system and do not say no to the elections of this regime, and we consider it our duty to actively fight against it collectively and unitedly. From our point of view, any participation or association with this ridiculous and engineered election is a seal of approval for crime and association with the murderers of our children. We will fight unitedly against this system, which is always engaged in systematically reproducing discrimination and inequality in all political, social, ethnic, cultural, religious-ideological, economic, sexual, gender and environmental dimensions, and boycotting their elections is one of the least important tasks. Our opinion is only the overthrow of Islamic government A woman of freedom signers: Rada Fatehi - Hero Qadimi - Zaniar Tondro - Aristo Pasiyar - Farzad Moradinia - Adnan Hosseini -Ali Masri-Yahiaserkhani-Vahed Roznourd-Ayoub Abdullahi-Ako Maarofi Azar-Kian Derakhshan-Kivan Samadi-Mehrdad Sabouri.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Yusuf Hajikhosh, a Kurdish political activist, was sentenced to forty months in prison

Yusuf Hajikhosh, a member of the Central Council and the Executive Board of the United Kurdish Front, was sentenced to three years and four months in prison by the Oshnawiyeh Revolutionary Court. According to the Kurdistan Human Rights Network, this Kurdish political activist from Oshnawiyeh was sentenced to three years and four months in prison by the Revolutionary Court of this city headed by Judge Ansari on the charge of "acting against national security" through cooperation with one of the Kurdish opposition parties. became. This verdict was sent to this political activist last week. On the 1st of May, the security forces raided the family home of Yusuf Hajikhosh, a member of the Central Council and Executive Board of the United Front, in the village of "Kuneh Qala" in Oshnawiyeh , and violently arrested him. After his arrest, he was transferred to one of the security detention centers in Urmia, and on May 30, he was temporarily released from Oshnawiyeh prison with a bail of 1 billion tomans. The Kurdish United Front is a political party whose goal is to advance economic and social development programs in Iran, including the Kurdish regions, to ensure people's welfare and prevent discrimination. This front was founded in early 2004 with the cooperation of a group of Kurdish political and cultural activists.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Continued pressure on the families of the victims of the "Woman, Life, Freedom" uprising.

The father and brother of "Kumar Daroftada" one of the victims of the "Woman, Life, Freedom" uprising in Piranshahr city were summoned to the intelligence office of the IRGC. According to the Kurdistan Human Rights Association (KMMK), on Saturday, June 22, Hasan Daroftada and Mardin Daroftada, the father and brother of "Kumar Daroftada", were summoned to the IRGC intelligence office in Piranshahr. According to this report, intelligence forces have interrogated them regarding the continuation of the lawsuit and also the holding of the "Kumar Daroftada" memorial ceremony. A 16-year-old teenager, Kumar Daroftada, was killed by direct fire from Iranian military forces during the demonstration on October 30, 2022 in Piranshahr city. In the past year, many families of the victims of the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising have faced pressure, arrest and imprisonment.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

In one month, 11 Kurdish citizens were killed and 27 political and civil activists were arrested

In the last month of spring, 11 Kurdish citizens were killed and injured by Iranian military forces, 27 political, civil and cultural activists were also arrested. According to Kurdistan Human Rights Network, between May 21 and June 21, at least 3 Kolbers were killed, 6 Kolbers and 2 other citizens were wounded by Iranian security forces. Also, during this period, 27 political, civil, and cultural activists have been arrested, and prison and exile sentences have been issued for three people, including two journalists. The Kurdistan Human Rights Network has also pointed out that the pressures on the families of the victims of the women, life, freedom uprising, , and the Kurdish political prisoners were also faced with many problems and pressures. Also, last month, a woman was set on fire by her husband in Piranshahr. Regarding the victims of mine explosions in different regions of Kurdistan, two people were killed in Ashnoyeh and Bane due to mine explosions and four others were injured .

Friday, June 21, 2024

Another Kolber was killed by Iranian military forces

Erkan Balwase, 29-year-old Kolber was killed by the border guards of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the border areas of "Tete" Horaman near Sarovabad city in Kurdistan province. According to the report of Kurdistan Human Rights Network: "On the morning of Friday, June 21, a group of Kolbers in the border heights of Tete, while they were without any goods, were shot at from close range and without prior warning by the Iranian border guards, who As a result, Arkan Balwaseh was killed." The body of this Kolber has been moved to the village of "Galieh" in Marivan for burial. According to the statistics collected in June of this year, Sina Rasulzadeh and Hajir Mahmoodpour, two kolbers from Sardasht and Javanroud, were killed by the border guards of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the border areas of Baneh and Sardasht cities in Kurdistan and West Azarbaijan provinces. Also, Rahim Ebrahimi also died in the border areas of Sardasht by falling into the river during the chase by the Iranian border guards. At least 4 Kolbers were shot and two Kolbers were injured as a result of being beaten by the Iranian border guards in the border areas of Kurdistan province.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

A Kurdish political asylum seeker faces the risk of extradition to Iran

Nourzad Alimoradi, a Kurdish political asylum seeker and a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran, whose asylum request was rejected after staying in Norway for 8 years, was transferred to Turkey and is facing the risk of extradition to Iran. The Kurdistan Human Rights Association, citing Avat (Isa) Bazyar , a political and civic activist living in Norway, announced that Noorzad Alimoradi was transferred to Turkey from Lina camp in Norway on Wednesday. This Kurdish political asylum seeker committed suicide at the Istanbul airport while being transferred to the Iranian plane, that's why he was taken to the hospital. Although the process of deporting this political asylum seeker to Iran has been temporarily stopped due to his deteriorating health, there is still a possibility of his extradition to Iran. Noorzad Ali Moradi is from the city of Sarpol Zahab and belongs to the religious minority of Yarsan. If he is extradited to Iran, he faces the risk of torture, long-term imprisonment and even execution.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Eight of the rescued passengers are Kurds.. A ship sank with 61 asylum seekers

A ship with 61 passengers, who were asylum seekers from several Middle Eastern countries, sank 200 km off the coast of Italy, 11 people were saved, 8 of them are Kurds (Iraqi and Iranian). The bodies of 12 people have been found and 38 people are still missing. It is said that 35 crew members of this ship were Kurds, the rest were from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Bangladesh. On Monday, June 10, the mentioned ship left Bodrum port in Turkey for Italy. On Thursday, contact with this ship was cut off, and on Monday, June 17, it was found that the ship had sunk. The names of some survivors who are Kurds: Mojdeh Omar from Erbil Miran Qadir son of Mojde Majdeh's niece named Mary Larin Riboar is Majdeh's niece Naser Ramadani from Bukan Ako Ghazizade from Mahabad Rouya Mohi Aldini A Kurdish citizen from Urmia named Wafa هەشت کۆچبەری کورد رزگاریان بوو.. دوایین زانیاری لەبارەی بەلەمە نقومبووەکەی ئیتالیا بۆهێنانەدی ژیانێکی باشتر و پارێزراوتر، ملی رێگای پڕ مەترسی کۆچیان گرتەبەر، بەڵام بەلەمەکەیان نقوم بوو و نەک هەر خەونەکەیان، بەڵکوو ژیانیشیان ژاکا.. ئەمە بەسەرهاتی ٦١ کۆچبەری نایاساییە کە بەلەمەکەیان لە ٢٠٠ کیلۆمەتری کەناراوەکانی کالابریای ئیتالیا تێکشکا. نزیکەی نیوەی سەرنشینانی ئەو بەلەمە کوردبوون، هەندێکیان رزگارکراون و ئەوانیتر بێسەروشوێنن. بەلەمەکە دوو شەممەی رابردوو لە بەندەری بۆدرومی تورکیاوە کەوتبووەڕێ، لە رۆژی پێنج شەممە ١٣ی مانگەوە لە سنووری دەریای ئیتالیا پەیوەندی پچڕابوو، دوای ئاگادارکردنەوەی پۆلیسی دەریاوانی ئیتالیا دەرکەوت بەلەمەکە نوقم بووە. رۆژی دووشەممە ١٧ مانگ راگەیەندرا کە توانراوە بە شێوەیەکی پەرجو ئاسا ١١ کەس رزگار بکرێن و ١٢ تەرمی دۆزراونەتەوە و تائێستا ٣٨ کەس بێسەروشوێنن. باس لەوەدەکرێت نزیکەی ٣٥ سەرنشینی بەلەمەکە کورد بوون، خەڵکی باشووری کوردستان و رۆژهەڵاتی کوردستان، کۆچبەرەکانی دیکەش خەڵکی وڵاتانی ئەفغانستان، سوریا، بەنگلادیش و ئێران بوون. بە وتەی کۆنسیتا جیۆفری سەرۆکی رێکخراوی رێد کروس لە شاری کالابریای ئیتالیا یەکێک لە رزگاربووان باسی لەوەکردووە کە ماتۆڕی بەلەمەکەیان گڕی گرتووە و دواتر تەقیوەتەوە و بەو هۆیەوە بە خێرایی بەلەمەکە پر بووە لە ئاو و نوقم بووە.
مژدە عومەر کە خەڵکی هەولێرە چانسی مانەوە لە ژیانی هەبووە، پەیوەندی بە کەسوکاریەوە کردووە و پێی راگەیاندوون، خوی و منداڵێکی و خوشکەزایەکی ڕزگاریان بووە و ٣ منداڵی خۆی لە گەڵ هاوژینەکەی تائێستا بێسەروشوێنن.
بە وتەی مژدە لە خێزانی ڕێبوار کەمال کە خەڵکی خۆشناوەتی هەولێرن تەنها منداڵێکیان ڕزگاری بووە بە ناوی لارین ڕێبوار کەمال. ناوی بەشێک لە رزگابووان کە کوردن: مژدە عۆمەر خەڵکی هەولێر میران قادر کوری مژدە خوشکەزای مژدە ناوی ماری لارین ریبوار خوشکەزای مژدە ناسر رەمەزانی خەڵکی بۆکان ئاکۆ قازی زادە خەڵکی مهاباد رویا محی الدینی کەسێک بە ناوی وەفا خەڵکی ورمێ هەروەها کچێکیش بەناوی حەدیس تا ئیتالیا لە ژیاندا مابوو، بەڵام دواتر کۆچی دوایی کرد. بەهۆکاری ئابووری و سیاسی و کۆمەڵایەتی ساڵانە دەیان هەزار کەس لە وڵاتانی ناسەقامگیری وەک عێراق، سوریا، ئێران، ئەفغانستان و وڵاتانی دیکەی ناوچەکەوە، رێگەی کۆچ دەگرنەبەر و لە رێگەی دەریا و وشکانی هەوڵ دەدەن خۆیان بگەیەننە ئەوروپا و زۆر جار بەلەمی کۆچبەر لە دەریاکانی نێوان تورکیا و یۆنان یاخود نێوان یۆنان و ئیتالیا نوقم دەبن و سەرنشینانی کە دۆزینەوەی هەلی ژیانێکی ئاسودە زێد و نیشتمانی خۆیان جێهێشتبوو، ماڵئاوایی لە ژیان و خەونەکانیان دەکەن.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Tehran; session of the trial of Warisha Moradi and Pakhshan Azizi , a Kurdish political activist

The first session of Warishe Moradi's trial and the second session of Pakhshan Azizi's broadcasters were held on Sunday (June 16) at Tehran's Islamic Revolution Court. According to the report of the Kurdistan Human Rights Network, the court session of Varishe Moradi, a member of the Free Women's Society of Eastern Kurdistan (Kajar), was held in the 15th branch of the Revolutionary Court under the chairmanship of "Judge Abolqasem Salavati", but "she and her lawyer were not allowed to defend themselves". Also, at the same time, the second session of the trial of Pakhshan Azizi was held in Branch 26 of Tehran Islamic Revolution Court, presided over by Judge Iman Afshari. Varishe Moradi was previously accused by Branch 5 of Tehran Public and Revolution Prosecutor's Office and Pakhshan Azizi by Branch 26 of Tehran Revolution Court. Warishe Moradi has been denied the right to contact and visit his family and lawyers since a month ago by the order of Judge Salvati. On May 14, by the order of this judge, she was transferred from the women's ward of Evin prison to Ward 209 of the Ministry of Intelligence in this prison, and after three days, she was returned to the women's ward. She and Pakhshan Azizi went on hunger strike for two days in protest of this transfer. Azizi, a native of Mahabad and a graduate of social work from Allameh Tabatabai University in Tehran, had previously been arrested by the security forces. She was arrested by security agents for the first time on November 16, 2009, during a protest meeting of Kurdish students of Tehran University against political executions in Kurdistan. she was released on free bail after 4 months of detention and after some time she left Iran and has been staying in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq for the past few years. Varishe Moradi, a native of Sanandaj and a member of the free women's community of eastern Kurdistan known as Kejar, who, according to the Kurdistan Human Rights Network, was killed by the ministry forces on August 1, 2023 after carrying out political and organizational activities in the city of Kermanshah, when she was planning to return to Sanandaj. Information was arrested at the entrance of this city. she spent the first 13 days of detention in the detention center of this security institution in Sanandaj city, and after that she was transferred to Ward 209 of Evin Prison in Tehran.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Reactions to the release of Hamid Nouri.. "This action of Sweden is shameful"

Azadi Hamid Nouri, the former assistant prosecutor of Gohardasht prison who was imprisoned in Sweden, has caused widespread reactions during the exchange of prisoners between Iran and Sweden on Saturday, June 15.
Hamid Nouri, who was freed and left for Iran in exchange for the release of Yohan Flodros and Saeed Azizi, said upon his arrival in Tehran that he was "Hamid Abbasi". A nickname he used as a prosecutor in Gohardasht prison and during the executions of political prisoners in 1988. Parties, political activists and human rights defenders have strongly criticized the approach of the Swedish government during the exchange of Hamid Nouri and considered it "shameful". In its statement, the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran considered this action of the Swedish government shameful and protested against it. In the statement of this Kurdish party, referring to the fact that due to Hamid Nouri's role in the execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Swedish court, but despite that, he was released: "We ask the international community to stand against this The transaction between the government of Sweden and Iran declare a position". Abdullah Mehtadi, the secretary general of Komle party, also declared that "no dirty deal with murderers and hostage takers" can "take back the great achievement" Mr. Mehtadi further wrote: "European governments should know that their blackmailing to the Iranian regime can only encourage this regime to take more hostages, kidnap, extort and terrorism." Also, in the joint declarations of the Revolutionary Workers Organization of Iran (Rah Kargar) and the Communist Party of Iran, they announced: "The selective treatment of the European and American governments with the issue of human rights is not a new thing. Sacrificing human rights for the sake of the political interests of these countries has happened many times. They have even ignored the independence of their judiciary in this way. This selective and hypocritical view has caused the criminal government of the Islamic Republic to rescue its terrorists and diplomat-terrorists in Europe and America. . They added, "The exchange of Kazem Darabi, the murderer of Dr. Sharafkandi and his companions in the Mykonos restaurant, with a German citizen after fifteen years in prison, the exchange of Asadullah Asadi, who was convicted for "planning a terrorist bombing" in Belgium, with Olivier Vandekastel, the hostage-taker. Belgium is one of the other examples. Nazanin Zaghari, an Iranian-British citizen, and then her release by paying millions of pounds from the demands of the British government, or Jason Rezaian, an Iranian-American journalist, was released by the then American president, Barack Obama, by sending "several boxes of money." By plane to Iran, are examples of blackmailing the Islamic Republic through hostage taking that Western governments have indulged in. In the continuation of the joint statement of these two leftist currents: "It is based on these experiences that the regime of the Islamic Republic tries to blackmail European and American countries by arresting Western citizens or people with dual citizenship, and so far in this regard because of the The selective and bargaining of Western governments has been successful." Also, Hasan Rahmanpanah, one of the leaders of Komle (Kurdistan Organization of the Communist Party of Iran) announced: "The citizens of Sweden, ordinary people, went to Iran with the intention of traveling, but Hamid Nouri, a murderer, criminal, came to Sweden with other goals. The prisoners were exchanged. They were neither the same, neither the same crime, nor the same, one was a criminal and a prosecutor and was sentenced to death, and the other two were ordinary people, like tens of thousands of Iranian people, who were imprisoned, tortured and executed, and in no court. With the presence of the jury, the lawyer and the witness and the evidence, they were not charged, but they got a verdict. This action of the Swedish government makes the Islamic Republic more brazen in kidnapping, extortion, terrorism and crime outside its borders. In this regard, Shirin Ebadi, a lawyer and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, also said in this context: "The Swedish government handed over a "criminal" to the Islamic Republic, whose trial in Sweden lasted for 9 months and It was sentenced to life imprisonment, it sprinkled dirt on the face of partial justice that existed in the world. Mrs. Ebadi added: "This great shame and scandal will never be forgotten. If Europe knows that there is no other way to free its citizens than handing over the "criminals", it should clearly tell its citizens that Iran is a dangerous destination and that every European citizen in Iran is a potential hostage for the Islamic Republic. Reza Pahlavi, the former crown prince of Iran, also wrote on X social network in this context: "The release of Hamid Nouri, a war criminal, by the Swedish government, is an insult to the rule of law, human rights and minimum honor." He added: "This irresponsible appeasement with the criminal regime ruling Iran could not even save all the hostages, and will cause more hostage taking and blackmail." Alireza Akhundi, a member of the Swedish parliament, also considered the exchange of Hamid Nouri by the Swedish government to Iran "an insult to the Swedish judicial system and all Swedes of Iranian descent" who have lost their loved ones in the "crimes" of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mr. Akhundi wrote on X social network: "This is a cruel blow to the wife and children of Ahmadreza Jalali, who have not seen their father for many years. "The irresponsible government of Sweden has left a Swedish citizen to his fate." Ahmadreza Jalali, an Iranian-Swedish doctor and researcher, is still imprisoned in Iran. He was arrested by the agents of the Ministry of Information in May 2016 when he traveled to Iran to participate in a scientific conference. Hamid Nouri, 62 years old, was arrested on November 9, 2019 when he arrived at Stockholm airport on a direct flight from Iran, based on a complaint by human rights activists and opponents of the Iranian government to the Swedish police. The Swedish prosecutor's complaint against Hamid Nouri was based on evidence related to the secret massacre of several thousand political prisoners in the summer of 1988 in the prisons of the Islamic Republic. At the time of the executions in the summer of 1988, Hamid Nouri, alias "Hamid Abbasi", was the warden of Gohardasht prison. Although he and his lawyers had different opinions in the court in this regard. According to the principle of international jurisdiction, the Swedish prosecutor's office announced a crime against Hamid Nouri, and the Swedish judicial authorities also tried him based on this. In the case that took 93 sessions in the Swedish judiciary, at least 60 plaintiffs and witnesses and 12 experts in the field of Islamic jurisprudence and international law spoke about Hamid Nouri's case. At the end of a long trial, a court in Sweden sentenced him to life imprisonment in July 2022 for "gross violations of international humanitarian law and murder". On December 2022, an appeals court confirmed the life imprisonment sentence for Mr. Nouri. In March 2023, the Swedish Supreme Court announced that it would not review the appeal against the sentence of Hamid Nouri, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for his participation in the massacre of political prisoners in the summer of 2013, and thus his life sentence was upheld. The spokesman of Iran's Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanani, said: "The release of Hamid Nouri is another result of the diplomacy of the authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran in realizing and securing national interests, as well as resolutely supporting the rights of Iranians." The spokesperson of Iran's Foreign Ministry has also thanked the role of "the Sultanate of Oman in helping to facilitate" the exchange of prisoners between Iran and Sweden.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Suppression of Kurdish journalists inside and outside Iran

In the past three months, the pressure on journalists and Kurdish media activists in Iran and outside Iran has increased. These pressures have existed in the past two years, especially after the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising. Since March, hundreds of people have been arrested and interrogated in various regions of Iran's Kurdistan under the pretext of participating in the Nowruz ceremony and covering these ceremonies, some of them are journalists and media activists. Also, because of their participation in the national protests known as "Women', Life, Freedom" uprising, heavy sentences have been issued against a number of these journalists and media activists. Some of these journalists were forced to leave Iran. Leaving Iran does not mean getting rid of threats and pressures against Kurdish journalists. Many of them have been threatened and pressured due to the continued activity of the media. Even many of their families are under pressure inside Iran. The pressures against the families of Kurdish journalists abroad have intensified for several years. With these pressures, Iranian security forces are trying to force Kurdish journalists living abroad to refrain from covering news inside Iran. Now, with the cooperation of Kurdish human rights institutions, I am trying to deal with the details of these threats and pressures against Kurdish journalists inside and outside of Iran. I hope that the result of this effort will be noticed by organizations for the defense of journalists and that they will reflect these violations of journalistic freedom in their reports. *کوردی سەرکوتی رۆژنامەنووسانی کورد لە ناوخۆ و دەرەوەی ئێران ماوەی سێ مانگە بە بیانووی بەشداری و بەرێوەبردنی رێوڕەسمەکانی نەورۆز هەڵمەتێکی رەشبگیری دژی چالاکوانان و بەتایبەتی رۆژنامەوانان و چالاکانی میدیایی چڕبووەتەوە، ئەو گوشار و گرتنە لە دوو ساڵی رابردوودا بەتایبەتی لە دوای دەستپێکردنی سەرهەڵدانی ژن، ژیان، ئازادی بەردەوام رووی لە هەڵکشان بووە. لەم دوو ساڵەی رابردوودا بەشێک لە رۆژنامەنووسانی کورد بەهۆی رووماڵ و بەشداری لە ناڕەزایەتیە سەرتاسەرییەکانی ناسراو بە بزوتنەوە یان سەرهەڵدانی "ژن، ژیان، ئازادی" رووبەڕووی گرتن و سزای قورسی زیندان بوونەوە. هەندێک لەو رۆژنامەنووس و میدیاکارانە لەم دوو ساڵەدا ناچاربوون پەڕیوەی تاراوگە بن، بەڵام چوونە دەرەوە لە ئێرانیش نەبووەتە هۆی کۆتاییهێان بەو گوشارانە لە سەر رۆژنامەنووسانی کورد و لە دەرەوەش خۆیان یاخود بنەماڵەکانیان لە ناوخۆ رووبەڕووی گوشار و پەستانی هێزە ئەمنییەکانی ئێران دەبنەوە و بە شێوەی جیاجیا هەڕەشەیان لێدەکرێت. هێزە ئەمنییەکانی ئێران دەیانەوێت لەو رێگەوە دەنگی ئەو رۆژنامەنووسانە کپ بکەن و بەم جۆرەش رێگری بکەن لە رووماڵکردنی پێشهات و پێشێلکارییەکان لە ناوخۆی ئێران. لەئێستادا لەهەوڵدام کە بە هاوکاری رێکخراوە جیاجیا کوردیەکانی بواری مافەکانی مرۆڤ دیمەنێکی روون لەم گوشارانە بخەمەڕوو، بە جۆرێک وردەکاری تەواوی ئەو هەڕەشە و گوشارانەی سەر رۆژنامەنووسانی کورد لە ناوخۆ و دەرەوەی ئێران لە خۆی بگرێت. هیوادارم بەرهەمی ئەم هەوڵە ببێتە جێگەی سەرنج و ئاوڕدانەوەی رێکخراوە نێودەوڵەتیەکانی داکۆکیکار لە ئازادی کاری رۆژنامەوانی و لە راپۆرتەکانیادا ئەوم پێشێلکارییانە بەرامبەر بە رۆژنامەنووسانی کورد لە ئێران، رەنگبداتەوە. **فارسی سرکوب روزنامەنگاران کورد در داخل و خارج ایران در سە ماه گذشتە فشارها بر روزنامەنگاران و فعالین رسانەای کورد در ایران و خارج از ایران افزایش یافتەاست. این فشارها در دو سال گذشتە و مشخصا بعد از قیام "زن، زندگی، آزادی" وجود داشتەاست. از ماه مارس و بە بهانەی مشارکت و برزگزاری مراسم نوروز و پوشش این مراسمات صدها نفر در مناطق مختلف کوردستان ایران بازداشت و مورد بازجویی قرار گرفتەاند، کە تعدادی از آنها روزنامنەگار و فعال رسانەای هستند. همچنین بە علت مشارکت در اعتراضات سراسری موسوم بە "خیزش زن، زندگی، آزادی" علیە تعدادی از این روزنامەنگاران و فعالین رسانەای احکام سنگین صادر شدەاست. بخشی از این روزنامنەگاران مجبور بە خارج شند از ایران شدەاند. خروج از ایران بە معنی رهایی یافتن از تهدیدات و فشارها علیە روزنامەنگاران کورد نیست. بسیاری از آنها بە علت ادامە فعالیت رسانەای مورد تهدید و فشار قرار گرفتەاند. حتی خانوادەای بسیاری از آنها در داخل ایران تحت فشار قرار گرفتەاند. فشارها بر علیە خانوادە روزنامەنگاران کورد خارج از کشور چند سالی است تشدید یافتەاست. نیروهای امنیتی ایران با این فشارها سعی دارند روزنامەنگاران کورد ساکن خارج کشور را مجبور کنند کە از پوشش اخبار داخل ایران خودداری کنند. هم اکنون با همکاری نهادهای حقوق بشری کوردی سعی دارم کە بە جزئیات این تهدیدات و فشارها علیە روزنامەنگاران کورد در داخل و خارج ایران بپردازم. امیدوارم کە حاصل این تلاش مورد توجە سازمانهای دفاع از روزنامەنگاران قرار بگیرد و در گزارشاتشان این موارد نقض آزادی کار روزنامەنگاری را بازتاب دهند.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Iranian forces wounded one Kolber and tortured five others

Iranian military forces severely wounded one Kolber in the Bane border and tortured another Kolber in the same area. Also, these forces tortured four Kolbers in two ambushes in Oramanat. On the night of Tuesday, June 12, a kolber was directly shot by the forces of the Border Regiment in the border heights of Sartzin Baneh and was seriously injured. The identity of this injured Kolber has been verified for Kolber News, "Arman Hosseini", 26 years old from Saqqez.
It is worth mentioning that this Kolber was sent to Tabriz for treatment. On Wednesday, June 13, border regiment forces beat a Kolber with an electric baton in the border areas of "Champarav" of Bane city, which resulted in injuries to the Kolber 's leg.
The identity of this Kolber "Yousef Rostamzadeh", 28 years old, son of Khaled, married and from Kanibird village, Bane city, has been reported. On Monday, June 11, two Kolber s were ambushed by border regiment forces in the border heights of Tete Horaman, while they were not carrying any backpacks, and were beaten with punches, kicks, and electric batons, and were injured.
The identity of one of the injured kolbers has been confirmed , "Shadman Paya", 25 years old, from the village of "Heloizava" in Kumasi Marivan region. Also, on the night of Monday, June 11, a Kolber who was injured and dislocated his leg due to the ambush of border regimental forces on the border of Tete Horaman, on his way back by the military forces of Jalane police station, the car he was carrying was seized and he and the driver of the car were severely beaten.
It is said that the military forces attacked the driver of the car with an electric stun gun and repeatedly hit the leg of another injured Kolber . Since the beginning of June, at least one Kolber has been killed and more than 10 Kolber s have been injured.

The presidential candidate who was a member of the "Death Committee": I came with a message of love and affection!

Mustafa Pourmohammadi, a candidate for the presidential election and a member of the "Death Panel" in the execution of political prisoners in 1988, said: "His government is a government of covenants, affection, compassion, love and affection." He added: "I have come to you with this message. In this government, we will distance ourselves from tensions and pessimism." Mustafa Pourmohammadi, who was a member of the death squad in 1988, who played the main role in the execution of thousands of political prisoners. Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash on May 19, was also a member of the "Death Committee". On June 28, Iran's early presidential elections were held. In this election, the qualification of six people has been approved by the Guardian Council to compete as a candidate for the presidency. Five of these candidates are fundamentalists and one person (Masoud pezeshkian) is affiliated with the reformists.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The death sentence of Mohammad Khizranjad, a Sunni Kurdish cleric, was changed to life imprisonment

Meezan news agency affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Judiciary reported that the death sentence of Mamusta Mohammad Khizranjad, a protesting Sunni Kurdish cleric, has been reduced to life imprisonment following the prosecution of a number of Sunni clerics. This Sunni cleric was arrested on November 19, 2022 after speaking at the memorial ceremony of Asad Rahimi, one of the victims of the uprising of women, life, freedom in Bukan and openly criticizing the bloody repression of protesters. After a year of temporary detention, the third branch of the Revolutionary Court of Urmia, headed by Judge Reza Najafzadeh, on December 20, 2023, sentenced Mamosta Khizranjad to death for the charge of "corruption in the land" and to 15 years in prison for the charge of "damaging the integrity or independence of the country". And sentenced to one year in prison for the charge of "propaganda against the regime". Kurdistan Human Rights Network published a report on Thursday, June 8, announcing that the sentence of death and imprisonment of this Kurdish cleric was confirmed by Branch 41 of the Supreme Court headed by Judge Ali Razini Aina. Mizan news agency, in a news published on Monday evening, claimed that Khadranjad "expressed remorse and commitment to good behavior, requested amnesty and reduced punishment" and following the pursuit of a number of Sunni scholars, she was granted amnesty and her punishment was The death penalty has been changed to life imprisonment. Mohammad Khizranjad is currently being held in the reception ward 2 of the central prison of Urmia, the ward of undecided prisoners, without observing the principle of separation of crimes. In February 2023, more than 240 Sunni Kurdish clerics, in a letter to the head of the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic, called the death sentence for Khizranjad unjust and rejected all the charges against this cleric, demanding his release.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Killing and wounding 4 kolbers in one week

In the past week, one Kolber was killed and three Kolbers were wounded by the firing of the military forces of the Iranian regime. In the evening of Tuesday, June 4, a group of Kolbers in the border areas of Nausud were shot by border guards, as a result of which a young Kolber named Hejir Mahmoodpour was seriously injured. This Kolber from "Poine" village of Javanroud, who was taken to Quds Paveh Hospital for treatment, died on the morning of June 5 due to the severity of his injuries. Also, on June 3, two kolbers named Mozaffar Esdrokh, 44 years old from the village of "Chawg" in the "Savji" border of Marivan and Salah (unknown family) from the village of "Halojan" in Sarovabad in the "Tete" border pass of Horaman were wounded by the border guards. became Three colberts named Parviz Qadri, Mozaffar Esdrokh and Salah (unknown family) were injured as a result of the firing of Marzbabi forces in the border areas of Baneh, Sarovabad and Marivan cities of Kurdistan province. On June 4th, a 29-year-old Kolber from Saqqez, named Parviz Qadri, was shot by border guards at the "Nirvan" border of Baneh and was seriously injured. kolber, who was wounded by three bullets, was transferred to Sanandaj medical centers for treatment.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Supreme Court of Iran confirmed the death sentence of Mohammad Khizranjad

The death sentence of Mohammad Khizranjad, a Kurdish Sunni cleric who supported the uprising of women, life, and freedom, was confirmed in the Supreme Court of Iran. Mohammad Khizranjad, who was arrested on November 19, 2022, after the beginning of the Women, Life, Freedom uprising, was transferred to the central prison of this city after spending 108 days in the intelligence detention center in Urmia. This Kurdish cleric, who was severely tortured during his release, had the marks of torture on his body when he was transferred to Urmia prison. On December 23, 2023, after 14 months of detention by Branch 3 of the Islamic Revolution Court of Urmia, headed by Judge Reza Najafzadeh, on charges of "corruption on earth", "damaging the integrity or independence of the country" and "propaganda against the regime" to He was sentenced to death and 16 years in prison. According to the documents seen by the Kurdistan Human Rights Network, in all four court sessions, despite not being given enough time to defend herself, Mamosta Khadranjad denied all the accusations and declared that all the confessions, including the video recorded of her by The Ministry of Information has been forced and as a result of severe torture. He also questioned the competence of the Revolutionary Court to deal with his accusations as a cleric and demanded his trial in a special clerical court. The death sentence issued by the Islamic Revolutionary Court for this Sunni Kurdish cleric on the charge of cooperation with religious extremist groups takes place while he has always been critical of any kind of religious extremism in his speeches and statements and has emphasized on religious tolerance. According to the Kurdistan Human Rights Network, Iran's Supreme Court has confirmed this ruling.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Do the Azadi Party, the Iranian Kurdish Party, receive salaries from the KRG?

It has been two months that the military and security forces of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region have not received their salaries. Some members of the parliament have announced that due to the presence of names of foreigners in the salary list of the security forces, the Iraqi government refuses to pay the salaries of all the security forces of the Kurdistan region. One of these foreign forces is the Lashkar-e-Roj, a force consisting of more than 10,000 Syrian Kurds. The second force, as it is said, is the Kurdistan Freedom Party, the Iranian Kurdish opposition party led by Hossein Yazdanpanah. I had a conversation with Khalil Kanisanani, the spokesperson of this Iranian Kurdish party, about whether they receive salaries from the Kurdistan regional government or not. The spokesperson of the Kurdistan Freedom Party denied receiving the monthly salary and stated that if this was the case, we would have announced it with pride, but this accusation is not true. He pointed out that after 1991, the Kurdistan Regional Government and the ruling parties in the region (the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Democratic Party of Iraqi Kurdistan) have given financial aid to the parties based in the region, but after the financial crisis of 2014, they stopped this aid. Kanisanani also mentioned that after participating in the war against ISIS in 2014, they only received logistical assistance. He emphasized that Iran and the Iraqi government are fueling these rumors with the intention of enmity with the Kurdistan Freedom Party.
پارتی ئازادیی کوردستان: ئەگەر بودجەیەک بە ئێمە دەدەن با بیبڕن، ئێمە رازین SNN مووچەی هێزە ئەمنییەکانی هەرێم بووەتە گرێ کوێرە و دوو مانگە بەغدا پارە بۆ ئەو هێزانە رەوانە ناکات و ئۆباڵەکەشی دەخرێتە ئەستۆی بوونی هێزی بیانی لە ناو لیستی مووچەخۆرانی ئەمنی و بە دیاریکراویش باس لە بوونی ناوی ئەندامانی دوو هێزی لەشکری رۆژ و پارتی ئازادیی کوردستان (پاک) دکرێت لەناو لیستی مووچەدا وتەبێژی پاک لەو بارەوە روونکردنەوە دەدات و دەڵێت، " ئەگەر بوونی ئێمە لە لیستی مووچە بووەتە کێشە بەڕاستی با حکومەتی هەرێمی کوردستان هەر هاوکارییەک بە هێزەکانی پاک دەدات بیبڕێت و ئەو کێشەیە نەمێنێت". هێزە ئەمنی وسەربازییەکانی هەرێمی کوردستان ماوەی دوو مانگە مووچەیان وەرنەگرتووە، ژمارەیەک لە پەرلەمانتاران هۆکارەکەی بۆ بوونی هێز وکەسانی بیانی دەگەڕێننەوە لە لیستی مووچە، کە لەئەنجامیدا حکومەتی هەرێم لیستی ئەو مووچەخۆرانە رەوانەی بەغدا ناکات و حکومەتی فیدڕاڵیش ئامادە نییە مووچەکانیان بنێرێت. ئەوەی بە پلەی یەکەم باسی لێدەکرێت، هێزەکانی رۆژ یاخود لەشکری رۆژن، کە لە کوردانی رۆژئاوا پێکهاتوون و ژمارەیان لە سەرووی ١٠ هەزار کەسەوەیە و دەوترێت، وەک بەشێک لە هێزەکانی زێرەڤانی مووچەکانیان لەسەر وەزارەتی ناوخۆیە، تائێستا ئەو هێزە وحکومەتی هەرێم لەوبارەوە هیچ روونکردنەوەیەکیان نەداوە. هاوکات باس لەوەش دەکرێت هێزێکی دیکە کە بە نزیک لە پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان دادەنرێت و بە هەمان شێوە مووچەکانیان لەسەر مووچەی هێزە ئەمنییەکانی هەڕێمی کوردستانە، ئەوانیش هێزەکانی پارتی ئازادیی کوردستان (پاک) بە سەرۆکایەتی حسێن یەزدانپەنا، کە هێزێکی رۆژهەڵاتی کوردستانە. سەبارەت بەو بابەتە خەلیل کانیسانانی وتەبێژی پاک بە تۆڕی هەواڵی سلێمانی راگەیاند، "هەموو حزبەکانی ئۆپۆزسیۆن یاخود هەر حزبێک لە کوردستاندا بووبێت لە ساڵی ١٩٩١ەوە کە راپەڕین کرا، چ وەک حکومەتی هەرێم و چ وەک یەکێتی و پارتی هاوکارییان کراوە وەک بودجە، بەڵام کە بودجە کێشەی تێکەوت لە ساڵی ٢٠١٤دا، ئەو هاوکارییەش بڕدرا." "لە کاتی شەڕی داعشدا بە سووتەمەنی و خۆراک هاوکاری کراوین" دەربارەی هاوکارییەکان بۆ حزبەکەیان وتەبێژەکەی پاک نەیشاردەوە، کە ئەو کاتەی بەشدارییان لە شەڕی دژ بە داعشدا کردووە، بە خۆبەخشانە بەشدارییان کردووە لە پاراستنی خاک و خەڵکی باشووری کوردستان، ئەگەر هاوکارییەک وەک سووتەمەنی و خۆراک پێمان درابێت لە چوارچێوەی ئەو میحوەرە بووە کە لێی بووین، کە ئەگەر ئێمەش لەو میحوەرە نەبووینایە و لیوایەکی دیکەی لێبوایە ئەو کارە هەر دەکرا، بەڵام دوای ئەوەی شەڕی داعش کوتایی هات ئەو هاوکاریانەش نەمان. " ئێمە ببین و نەبین واز لە هەڕێمی کوردستان ناهێنن" جەختیشی کردەوە، " چەند جارێک سەرۆکایەتی ئەرکانی پێشمەرگە رایگەیاندووە، ئێمە دینارێک بەو هێزانە نادەین و ئەو هێزانە خۆبەخشانە بەشدارن. هەبۆیە ئەو دەنگۆیانەی بڵاودەبنەوە دورن لە ڕاستییەوە، ئێمە نەبووینەتە کێشە و ئەگەر بوونی ئێمە لە لیستی مووچە بووەتە کێشە بەڕاستی با حکومەتی هەرێمی کوردستان هەر هاوکارییەک بە هێزەکانی پاک بدات بیبڕێت و ئەو کێشەیە نەمێنێت، ئەگەر بەڕاستی ئێمە هۆکاری نەناردنی مووچە و بودجەی خەڵکی هەرێمی کورستانین لە لایەن بەغداوە، ئەوا ئێمە وەکوو پارتی ئازادی کوردستان رایدەگەیەنین، ئەگەر دینارێکی ئێمەیە بیبڕن. ئەو دەنگۆیانە ڕاست نین". خەلیل کانیسانانی وتەبێژی پارتی ئازادی کوردستان لە درێژەدا باسی لەوەکرد، ئەگەرچی ئێستا لە عێراقدا حکومەتێکی فیدڕالی هەیە و هەرێمی کوردستانیش تیادا بەشدارە و پشکی هەیە، بەڵام بەغدا وەک داگیرکەرانی دیکە کە دوژمنی نەتەوەی کوردن ئێمە ببین و نەبین واز لە هەڕێمی کوردستان ناهێنن و بۆیان بکرێت مووچە دەبڕن، ئەنفالی دەکەنەوە مووشەکبارانی دەکات، ئەوەی کە هەیە بیانووەکانی بەغدا و ئێرانیش بێ بنەمان و ئێمەیان کردووە بە بیانوو و ئەگەر بودجەیەک بە ئێمە دەدەن با بیبڕن و ئێمە ڕازین". " ئەگەر شتێکی وەها هەیە بەڕاستی با بیبڕن" وتەبێژی پاک لە درێژەی قسەکانیدا ئاماژە بەوەدەکات کە بوونی بەڵگەنامەی فەرمی هاووڵاتیبوون، مەرجێکە بۆ سودمەندبوون لە مووچە و هاوکاری دارایی بەڵام ئەوان ئەو مەرجەیان تێدا نییە و لەو رووەوە دەڵێت: " هیچ پێشمەرگەیەکی ئێمە مووچەخۆری حکومەتی هەرێمی کوردستان نیە، چوونکە یاسایەک کە لە هەرێمی کوردستان هەیە بەداخەوە ئەوەی بەڵگەنامە (دیکۆمێنت)، ناسنامەی باری کەسی، رەگەزنامە و کارتی نیشتمانی نەبێت، بە هیچ شێوەیەک هاوکاری ناکرێت، ئێمە خەڵکمان هەیە بریندار بووە، قاچی لەدەستداوە، فیشەک بەر سەری کەوتووە و تەنانەت کۆمەڵێک هاوکاری هەیە کە بە بریندارەکان دەدرێت، ئەوانەشیان پێیان نادرێت، بە بیانووی ئەوەی بەڵگەنامەی عێراقیان نییە. بۆیە نەخێر ئەو بابەتە دورە لە راستییەوە و ئەگەر شتێکی وەها هەیە بەڕاستی با بیبڕن." "جێگەی شانازاییە ئەگەر پارە لە حکومەتی هەرێم وەربگرێن" خەلیل کانیسانانی تەئکیدی لەوەکردەوە، کە وەرگرتنی موچە و بودجە لە حکومەتی هەرێم جێگەی شانازییە و وتی: " خۆزگە هەبووایە، ئێمە ئەگەر هاوکاری بکرێین پێمان عەیب نییە. حزب هەبووە پێشتر بەر لە ڕاپەڕین لە بەغدا، پارەی وەرگرتووە، هەبووە لە ئێرانی وەرگرتووە، جا هەم بۆ ئێمە و هەم بۆ حکومەتی هەرێمی کوردستان جێی شانازییە، هاوکاری هێزە کوردەکانی پارچەکانی دیکەی کوردستان بکات. ئەگەر هاوکاری بکراینایە نەمان دەشاردەوە، چوونکە جێی شانازییە، کە لە کورد پارە وەربگرین نەک لە داگیرکەرانی کوردستان و بۆ حکومەتی هەرێمی کوردستانیش جێی شانازی دەبوو کە وەها بکات، بەڵام باوەڕتان هەبێت شتێکی وەها نییە و تا ئێستا حکومەتی هەرێمی کوردستان ئەو توانایەیی نەبووە، بەڵام دژی خەڵکی کوردستان، داگیرکەرانی کوردستان ئێمەومانانیان کردووەتە بیانوو." " ئەگەر ئێمە بودجەیەک لە هەرێمی کوردستان وەردەگرین با پەرلەمانتارەکان دەنگ بە بڕینی بدەن " دەربارەی ئەوەی بۆجی ناوی ئەوان لەگەڵ ناوی لەشکری رۆژدێت وەک ئەو هێزە بیانیانەی مووچە لە حکومەتی هەڕێم وەردەگرن، وتەبێژی پارتی ئازادیی کوردستان وتی، " من سەبارەت بە هێزەکانی رۆژ هیچ قسەیەک ناکەم، چوونکە ئەوان بۆخۆیان دەزانن هێزێکن یان حزب نین، بەڵام ئێمە حزبێکی سەربەخۆی ڕۆژهەڵاتی کوردستانین و خەباتێکی خۆمان دژی دەوڵەتی داگیرکەری ئێران بەڕێوە دەبەین و بۆ سەرخستنی ئەو خەباتەش وەکوو ئاماژەم پێکرد هەر لایەنێک ئەگەر هاوکاری ئێمە بکات بە مەرجێک داگیرکەرانی کوردستان نەبن بە جێی شانازی دەزانین. ئەوەش هەر بۆ خۆی سیاسەتی ئێمە کە دژی داگیرکەرانی کوردستان بووە، بەشداریمان لە شەڕی پردێ و ڕۆڵی ئێمە لە هێزەکانی رۆژهەڵاتی کوردستاندا، ئیتر دوژمنی خۆی هەیە، بە ڕاستی جارێکی دیکە دووپاتیدەکەمەوە، ئەگەر ئێمە بودجەیەک لە هەرێمی کوردستان وەردەگرین با پەرلەمانتارەکان دەنگ بە بڕینی بدەن و هیچ بە ئێمە نەدرێت، بەڵام ئەوە شەڕ فرۆشییەکە بە هەرێمی کوردستان. ئەگەر ئێمە نەک مووچەمان پێنەدرێت، هەر لە باشووری کوردستانیش نەمێنین، بەغدا و تاران و ئەنقەرە واز لە هەرێمی کوردستان ناهێنین و چاویان پێی هەڵنایایت و ئەوان بە ئاشکرا دژی ئەم نەتەوەیەن."

Another Kolber was killed by Iranian military forces

A young Kolber from Javanrud named Hejir Mahmoodpour was killed as a result of the shooting by border guards in the border areas of Nausud province of Kermanshah. According to Kurdistan Human Rights Network, on the evening of Tuesday, June 4, a group of Kolbers were shot by border guards in the border areas of Nasud, as a result of which a young Kolber named Hajir Mahmoudpour was seriously injured. This Kolber , who was taken to Quds Paveh Hospital for treatment, died this morning due to the severity of his injuries. Last month, 10 Kolber and Kurdish citizens were killed by Iranian military forces.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

کۆڵبەری؛ دووڕێیانی نان یان نەمان.. گەڕان بەدوای دەرچەیەک بۆ شکاندنی بێدەنگی

کۆڵبەرەکان مانگێکی دیکەی خوێناوییان بەڕێ کرد، ئەوەی هەڵدەکشێت تەنیا ژمارەی قوربانیانە و ئەوەی وەک خۆی ماوە بێدەنگیە بەرامبەر بەم کوشتارە سیستماتیکە.. نە ژیانیان باشتر دەکرێت، نە مەرگیان دەبێتە هۆی راچڵەکین و بزواندنی ئەو دۆسیە. بەگوێرەی ئەو ئامارانەی ناوەندەکانی داکۆکیکار لە مافەکانی مرۆڤ بڵاویان کردووەتەوە، لە مانگی پێنجی ئەمساڵدا لانیکەم ٨ کۆڵبەر و ٢ کاسبکاری کورد کوژراون، کە سەرجەمیان بە تەقەی هێزەکانی رژێمی ئێران ژیانیان لەدەستداوە. ژمارەکە بۆ ئەمساڵ، لە ٤٠ کەس نزیک دەبێتەوە، بەڵام وەک هەواڵێکی ناوخۆیی بەشێک لە میدیاکانی رۆژهەڵات و جار جارەش میدیاکانی باشوور و پارچەکانی دیکە ئاوڕ لەم مەرگەساتە دەدرێتەوە و میدیای ئێرانی و جیهانیش لەم تاوانە بێدەنگن. بێکاری، گرانی وهەڵاوسان و نەبوونی هەلی کار وایکردووە دەیان هەزار کەس لە دانیشوانی ناوچە سنووریەکانی رۆژهەڵاتی کوردستان روو لە کاری کۆڵبەری بکەن. بە کۆڵ بە شاخ و رێگە سەختە سنووریەکانی نێوان ئێران و عێراق لە بەرامبەر پارەیەکی کەم کە هەندێک جار ناگاتە ١٠ دۆلار بۆ هەرکۆڵێک و رەنگە بەچەند رۆژ بەخت یاوەریان بێت و کۆڵێکیان بۆ گواستنەوە دەستبکەوێت، دەچنە شەڕی دابینکردنی بژێوی و درێژەدان بە ژیانێکی کولەمەرگی. نانەکەیان نەک لە قوڕگی شێر بەڵکوو رێک لە قوڕگی مەرگدایە، چاوی سیلەگرتوو و پەنجەی سەر بەلەپیتکەی پاسەوانانی سنوور، لە بۆسەیاندایە، بێ ئاگادارکردنەوە و هەندێک جار لە مەودای یەک مەتروە گیانیان دەکێشێت، یان جەستەیان بە چەکی ساچمەیی دەکرێتە بێژنگ و چەند مانگێک رەنگە بۆ هەتا هەتایە بەو بیرینەوە بناڵێنن و کەمئەندام بن. کەوتنە خوارەوە لە بەرزایی، یان کەوتنە ناو رووبارە بە خوڕە سنوورییەکان و رەقبوونەوە و کەوتنە ژێر هەرەسی بەفر و چوونە سەر مینە بەجێماوەکانی شەڕی هەشت ساڵەی ئێران و عێراقیش لەولاوە بوەستێت. چیرۆکی هەرکامێکیان هەوێنی چەندین رۆمان و فیلمە، مەرگەسات و کارەساتە راستەقینەکە، نەک کوشتارەکەیان، بەڵکو ناچارکردنیانە بەوەی بۆ دەستخستنی بژێوی خۆبدەنە بەر ئەو هەموو مەترسیە. ئەوەی تووشی ئەو چارەنوسەی کردوون، هەرخۆشی گیانیان دەکێشێت و هەرخۆیشی تەقەکەران لە سزا قوتار دەکات. لەوەش کارەساتبارتر، بێدەنگی کوشندەیە، نەبوونی ئەم دۆسیەیە بە پرسێکی مرۆیی، کە تائاستی جینۆساید، لینچ کردن و سڕینەوەی کەمینەیەک لەلایەن زۆرینەی دەسەڵاتدارەوە دەتوانرێت بجوڵێنرێت. هەندێک جار بیردەکەمەوە کە رەنگە ئیرادەیەک هەبێت بۆ نەبینینی ئەم برینە، جار جاریش دەڵێم پێدەچێت کەمتەرخەمی بێت، یاخود ئەوەی نەزانرابێت وەک خۆی حەقی دۆسیەکە بدرێت. لەوانەیە دۆخەکە وەک پێویست رووننەکرابێتەوە، بەڵگەمەند و بە داتای ورد دۆخی ئابوری، جیاکاری و هەڵاواردن بەرامبەر بە ناوچە کوردیەکان لە بودجە و ئاستی بێکاری لەو ناوچانە چەندە و بەراورد بەناوچەکانی دیکە تاچەند پەراوێزخراون؟ ئایا بەراست کۆلبەری و گواستنەوەی کاڵا ئەو زیانە زەبەلاحە بە ئابوری ئێران دەگەیەنن، کە ئاوا بێباکانە و لە پای ئەو "تاوانە" بدرێنە بەر دەستڕێژی گولـلە؟ یاساکانی ئێران چی دەڵێن؟ لە یاسای بەکارهێنانی چەک لەلایەن هێزە چەکدارەکانەوە تا بەدواداچوون بۆ دۆسیەکانی کوشتن و بریندارکردنیان؟ هەر لە رووی یاساییەوە و بە دیوە نێودەوڵەتیەکەی کوشتاری کۆڵبەران دەکەوێتە چ خانەیەکەوە، تاوانێکی ئاسایی هێزەکانی دەوڵەت، کوشتاری کەمینەیەک، جینۆساید، لەسێدارەدانی بێدادگایی یان چ قاڵب و چەمکێکی یاسایی؟ تاچەند ئەو دۆسیە گەیەندراوەتە ناوەندە نێودەوڵەتیەکان، بە رێکخراوەکانی داکۆکیکار لە مافەکانی مرۆڤ تا رێکخراوە و دەزگاکانی سەر بە نەتەوەیەکگرتووەکان، ئەگەر گەیەندراوە، بۆچی بەهەند وەرنەگیراوە و پاساوەکانیان کامانە بوون؟ هەموو ئەم پرسیارانە واتا ئەوەی جگە لە بەڵگەمەندکردنی کوشتاری کۆڵبەران، دەبێت لە رووی ئابووریەوە دۆخەکە تەواو روونبکرێتەوە، لە رووی یاساییەوە بەرگێک بۆ ئەو دۆسیە و چەسپاندنی دادپەروەری بکرێت، لە رووی میدیاییشەوە هەر هیچ نەبێت بکرێت بە کەیسێکی ئاشنا لای میدیای جیهانی، بەم جۆرە بێدەنگی بەرامبەر بەم کارەساتە دەشکێت، تەنیا لەوەها دۆخێکدا فەرماندەر و ئەنجامدەری تاوانەکە ناتوانن چیتر بێ سڵکردنەوە و بێباکانە سیلەیان لێبگرن و گیانیان بکێشن.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Iranian security forces arrested five more Kurdish citizens

Five Kurdish citizens named Houshmand Moradi, Metin Mehdizadeh, Adel Haji Khalani, Hamidreza Arvaneh and Osman Galavizhi were arrested by the security forces in the cities of Tehran, Ashnoye, Sardasht, Ilam and Piranshahr. On Sunday, June 2, the security forces raided the family home of Mateen (Zaniar) Mehdizadeh in the village of "Dhammeh" in Ashnoye and arrested him without presenting a court order. At the same time, on the same day, IRGC intelligence forces raided the family home of a citizen of Siser village named Adel Haji Khalani and arrested him while breaking the door and window of the house in the town of Rabat, Sardasht. Also, eight days have passed since the arrest of Houshman Moradi, a citizen of Takab living in Tehran by the security forces, so far no information about his fate has been obtained. Earlier, he was arrested and severely tortured by the security forces twice in the cities of Tehran and Sanandaj during the uprising of women, life, freedom. Also, on Friday, May 31, security forces raided the family home of Hamidreza Erwane in Ilam and arrested him without presenting a court order. It is said that this citizen was arrested following the publication of a post on his personal Instagram page regarding the death of Ebrahim Raisi. Also, on Thursday, May 30, the security forces in Piranshahr arrested a citizen named Osman Galavizhi without presenting a court order. There is no information about the charges and the whereabouts of these people. In the past two months, more than 120 citizens, political and civil activists, artists and media activists have been arrested by Iranian security forces in different regions of Kurdistan.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Iranian soldiers killed him and threw his body into the river

A father had to do the grueling work of kulbary to support his family of five, but Iranian soldiers killed him and threw his body into the river. According to the report of Kurdistan Human Rights Association (K.M.M.K.) On Friday, May 31, Iranian border guard soldiers shot and killed a Kolber in Sardasht region, and then threw his body into the river. This kolber named Rahim Ebrahimi was from Valiu village in Sardasht city. He was married and the father of three children. Residents of the area were able to find the body of this colbert after 24 hours of searching. In the past 75 days, 18 Kurds and Kurdish citizens have been killed and nearly 100 Kurds and Kurdish citizens have been injured in the border areas.

Arrest of two Kurdish women by Iranian security forces

The wave of arrests of Kurdish activists and citizens by Iran's security forces continues, and two more women were arrested in the cities of Bukan and Mahabad. On Thursday, May 30, Hataw Akrami, a Kurdish citizen from Takab, was arrested in Yingija village in Bukan. Mrs. Akrami, who works in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, had returned to her hometown to participate in her son's wedding ceremony. Iranian security forces searched Hatav Akrami's house and confiscated his personal and electronic equipment. Also, on Tuesday, Zahra Nabizadeh was arrested in Mahabad City after being summoned to the Public Affairs Office of this city. Mrs. Nabi Zadeh was arrested earlier on charges of participating in the protests of 2022. There is still no information about the charges and whereabouts of these two people. In the past two months, Iran's security forces have arrested more than 100 Kurdish citizens, political and civil activists, artists and journalists.

Execution of two Kurdish prisoners in Iran

Two Kurdish prisoners were executed in Urmia and Birjand prisons. On the morning of Thursday, July 25, Kamran Sheikha, a Kurdish prisoner o...