Sunday, December 26, 2021
Analysis of some hot topics in Iran and Kurdistan of Iran in an interview with Aryen TV
Together with two other journalist friends, I was a guest on Raveh’s program on AryenTV to analyze and discuss the hot topic of Iran and Iranian Kurdistan in 2021.
Iran’s nuclear program, the Vienna nuclear talks, recent protests and poor living conditions, and security forces’ pressure on minorities and political and civil activists were among the highlights of the talks...
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Sunday, December 5, 2021
My interview with Arian TV
My interview with Arian TV
In a short interview with Arian TV, I spoke about the recent wave of arrests of civil activists in Iranian Kurdistan.
In the past three weeks, at least 32 civil activists have been arrested by Iranian security forces in the cities of Baneh, Saqez, Marivan and Sanandaj.
Friday, September 10, 2021
Visit my main blog
Dear friends, I have not used this blog for several months due to some technical problems, please refer to my main blog:
With respect
Muhamad Amini
Friday, August 20, 2021
My short interview in the detailed and comprehensive report of The Independent
My short interview in the detailed and comprehensive report of The Independent، On the situation of refugees from East Kurdistan in the Kurdistan region, and the threats, obstacles, and challenges they face.I am intimately aware that my friend Winthrop Rodgers and his colleague Lizzie Porter have been working tirelessly on this report for over three months. I hope that this report will bring the plight of the forgotten asylum seekers of East Kurdistan to the international community and concerned parties.
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Saturday, August 7, 2021
The murder of the second Iranian opposition in Iraqi Kurdistan in less than a month
A senior member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party was killed in Erbil
The Kurdistan Democratic Party, one of Iran’s main opposition parties, says a member of its leadership has been killed in Erbil.
The Democratic Party said in a statement that Musa Babakhani, a member of the party’s central committee, was abducted by two “Iranian terrorists” in Erbil on Thursday, and that his body was found in a hotel in Erbil on Saturday, August 7.
According to the statement, the effects of torture on Musa’s body were observed.
The party is expected to provide more details about the assassination in its next statement.
On July 14, Behrouz Rahimi, a supporter of the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK), was shot dead near the city of Soleimanieh.
According to the latest report by the Abdul Rahman Boroumand Foundation, 540 opponents of the Islamic Republic of Iran have been assassinated outside the country over the past 40 years, of whom 380, or 70%, have lived in Iraqi Kurdistan, making Kurdistan the most dangerous place for Iranian dissidents.
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Thursday, August 5, 2021
I spoke with Middle East Eye about threats against Iranian Kurdish activists and journalists in the Iraqi Kurdistan region
Mohammed Amini, an Iranian Kurdish journalist living in Sulaimaniyah told MEE that he has also received numerous death threats.
“This is a simple proof that Iran continues to silence its opponents outside its borders. Through targeting Kurdish activists and journalists, Iran aims to spread terror, curb and limit the impacts of its political opponents,” he said.
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
New report: Islamic Republic kills or abducts “at least 540 Iranians” abroad … 70% occurred in Iraqi Kurdistan
Kurdistan region is hell for Iranian opposition, out of 540 foreign assassinations of Iranian opposition, 380 people have been assassinated in Kurdistan region
Abdul Rahman Boroumand Human Rights Center, referring to the news of the Islamic Republic’s attempt to kidnap Masih Ali Nejad, a journalist and political activist living in the United States, published a report and a statement that the Iranian government has “a long hand” in this regard and the Boroumand Foundation “in its ongoing investigation. “It has identified more than 540 Iranians whose successful murder or kidnapping is attributed to the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Assassination of Iranian political activists in Iraqi Kurdistan once again
This morning, an Iranian Kurdish political activist was assassinated in the city of Soleimani in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.
Behrouz (Rebin) Rahimi, an Iranian Kurdish political activist, was shot dead in the suburbs of Sulaymaniyah on Thursday.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Living in a blind area
Thousands of Iranian Kurds live in Iraq as political refugees.
Some of them live in three camps in the provinces of Sulaymaniyah and Erbil, and others live inside the cities of the Kurdistan region.
They were displaced because of political problems and to save their lives. Some of them have been living in Iraq for more than 40 years, but do not have any identity cards or passports.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Republic of Assassination and Intimidation..Part IV
In the past few years, Iranian security forces have abducted a number of dissidents in neighboring countries.
Threats against journalists have also been mentioned.
In the final section, we have mentioned the institutions that carry out assassinations, kidnappings and threats.
Iran has weakened the abduction and intimidation of opposition forces through assassination, so exploring Iran’s role in suppressing its opposition abroad could help strengthen the opposition’s position, as well as prevent future victories in assassinating, kidnapping, and threatening its opponents. more...
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Republic of Assassination and Intimidation..Part III
In this section, I discuss Iran’s actions against foreign nationals in other countries, which have been carried out directly by Iranian forces, or by forces affiliated with Iran.
The attacks killed hundreds and injured thousands.
Iran has carried out terrorist acts on most continents.
...reade more...
Monday, April 12, 2021
Republic of Assassination and Intimidation..Part II
In the first part, the background of the assassination of the opposition abroad, and especially the assassination of individuals and officials of the Pahlavi government, as well as individuals affiliated with the Islamic Republic who had turned away from this regime.
In this section, we will focus on the assassination of the regime of the Islamic Republic, which constitutes the majority of the victims.
A State Department report cites 360 assassinations of Iranian dissidents abroad over 40 years.
If we take this number as a basis, we will find that more than half of these were Kurdish dissidents, who were killed by Iranian security forces, and most of them were trapped by the forces of the Islamic Republic and their mercenaries in Iraqi Kurdistan.
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Saturday, April 10, 2021
Republic of Assassination and Intimidation..Part 1
.. Chronology of Iranian assassinations outside its borders
Mohammad Amini
In recent days, the Kurdistan Free Life Party, an Iranian opposition party, has announced that two of its members have been killed by members of the Iranian security forces near the town of Panjwin in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Also in recent days, a court in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, sentenced an Iranian woman to five years in prison on charges of espionage and attempted murder of an Iranian Kurdish journalist.
As I promised before, I will review my new research on the history of the assassinations of the Islamic Republic of Iran outside its borders.
In the first part of this study, I have dealt with cases of assassination of individuals affiliated with the Pahlavi government and individuals who have defected from the Islamic government of Iran.
In the second part, I will deal with the assassination and murder of the opposition, and in the third part, I will deal with the terrorist acts of the Islamic Republic against the citizens of other countries. more..
Monday, March 1, 2021
مانگی رابردوو حهوت كۆڵبهر له رۆژههڵاتی كوردستان كورژراون
كۆمهڵهی مافی مرۆڤ: لهمساڵدا 155 چالاكوانی رۆژههڵات دهستبهسهركراون
شهپۆلی گرتن و دهستبهسهركردنی چالاكوان له رۆژههڵاتی كوردستان بهردهوامه و به پێی نوێترین راپۆرتی مانگانهی كۆمهڵهی مافی مرۆڤی كوردستان له مانگی دووی ئهمساڵدا 25 چالاكوان دهستبهسهركراون.
بهم پێیه لهسهرهتای ئهمساڵهوه و له ئهنجامی ههڵمهتی رهشبگیری هێزه ئهمنییهكانی ئێران 155 چالاكوان دهستگیركراون.
وهك رێكخراوهكه ئاماژهی بۆ كردووه، ساڵی رابردوو 258 چالاكوان دهستبهسهركرابوون.
لهبهشێكی تری راپۆرتهكهدا ئاماژه بهوهدراوه، كه له مانگی رابردوودا دوو كهس له رۆژههڵات له سێدارهدراون و بهمهش كۆی ئهو كهسانهی لهسهرهتای ئهمساڵهوه سزاكهیان بهسهردا جێبهجێكراوه گهیشتوهته شهش كهس.
ژمارهی لهسێدارهدراون له ساڵی 2020دا 44 كهس بووه.
كردنه ئامانجی كۆڵبهران و كاسبكاران له مانگی رابردوودا بهردهوام بووه و لهو مانگهدا حهوت كۆڵبهر به تهقهی راستهوخۆی هێزه سهربازییهكانی ئێران كوژراون و 12 كۆڵبهر و كاسبكاریش برینداربوون.
بهو پێیهش لهسهرتای ئهمساڵهوه نۆ كۆڵبهر كوژراون و 22 كۆڵبهریش برینداربوون.
وهك ئهو رێكخراوه رایگهیاندووه، ساڵی رابردوو 70 كۆڵبهر و كاسبكار كوژراون و 176 كۆڵبهر و كاسبكاریش برینداربوون.
لهكۆتا بهشی راپۆرتهكهیدا كۆمهڵی مافی مرۆڤ باسی لهوهكردووه، كه له مانگی رابردوودا شهش ژن و شهش پیاو له رۆژههڵاتی كوردستان خۆیان كوشتووه و دوو ژن و دوو پیاویش كوژراون.
Monday, February 22, 2021
The story of the day .. at work and the experience of working on TV
Three slogans on the wall: honesty, balance and courage
After three years of experience working in newspapers and magazines, 9 years of radio and at the same time two years of website and blog, I have been working in television for almost two years.
As Deputy Director of the NRT Newsroom.
The TV experience is quite different, it is both sensitive and has a larger audience. Image and sound together convey the message better to the audience.
Despite the difficulties, obstacles and pressures, it is still a pleasure to work on the TV.
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Thursday, February 18, 2021
Kurdistan Regional Judiciary and hard test .. Six years in prison for 5 civil activists and journalists
In recent days, the sentencing of five civil activists and journalists in the Kurdistan Region to six years in prison has sparked a wave of protests.
The five, who were arrested along with more than 45 others in August last year, were tried after six months in detention.
A court in Erbil sentenced the five to six years in prison on charges of collusion against public security.
They were accused of acting against national security on the basis of membership in a messenger and information exchange group.
Anwar Karwan, head of the Journalists' Syndicate in Sulaymaniyah, said in an interview with VOA that some of these people were arrested only for their emojis or likes and comments on Facebook!
Two days before the trial, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Masroor Barzani said the detainees were spies and extremists.
The remarks angered civil society activists and lawyers because he had convicted them before the verdict.
Observers and civil activists believe that the conviction of activists and journalists in the Erbil court is a political verdict and calls into question the independence of the judiciary and endangers civil liberties.
The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has called on the authorities of the Kurdistan Region to release these journalists and civil activists unconditionally.
Thirty-one members of the Kurdistan Parliament also objected to the court's ruling, demanding that the clean court overturn the original ruling.
These deputies believe that the court's decision is completely illegal and completely political.
The scale of the protests was such that even Nichirvan Barzani, the head of the region and Masrour Barzani's cousin, broke the silence and demanded that the people's trust in the Judiciary power not be strengthened.
The judiciary in the Kurdistan Region is currently facing a difficult test. Will it maintain its independence or become a lever in the hands of the government and the ruling parties to suppress the opposition?
my report on kmmk
سزای زیندان بۆ چالاکانی بادینان پێشێلکردنی مافی ئازادی ڕادەربڕینە
Sunday, February 7, 2021
دۆخی سوننە و پێکهاتە ئایینیەکانی دیکە لە ئێران
نزیکەی لەسەدا ١٠ی دانیشتوانی ئێران لە سوننەکان پێکدێن و چالاکوانانی سەر بەو پێکهاتەیە باس لەوە دەکەن کە مافەکانیان پێشێلدەکرێت و ئازادییەکانیان سنوردارکراوە.
تەنانەت باس لەوەشدەکرێت لە شاری تارانی پایتەخت کە زیاتر لە یەک ملیۆن سوننەی تێدایە مۆڵەت بە دروستکردنی مزگەوت بە سوننکان نادرێت.
جیا سوننەکان هەر یەک لە ێکهاتەکانی جو، مەسیحی، زەردەشتی، سائیبی و بەهاییش لە ئێران دەژین و هەمان کێشەی سوننەکانیان هەیە، بەتایبەتی بەهاییەکان کە رووبەڕووی زۆرترین پێشێلکاری بوونەوە.
راپۆرتێکم لە ئێن ئاڕ تی لەو بارەوە
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Execution of two Kurdish prisoners in Iran
Two Kurdish prisoners were executed in Urmia and Birjand prisons. On the morning of Thursday, July 25, Kamran Sheikha, a Kurdish prisoner o...

ناسر فکوهی وهرگێڕان:محهمهد حهسهن مرۆڤناسی فیمینیستی له ساڵهکانی 1970 و 1980 شان به شانی جوڵانهوهی گشتی فیمینیستی له ناو بزوت...
/ دیدار: محهمهد ئهمینی/ چەتر پڕێس کهریم مهرهسهنه دامهزرێنهری ههردوو سایتی (رۆژههڵات و رێنسانس) له دیمانهیهکی (چهتر)دا باس...