Thursday, July 25, 2024

Execution of two Kurdish prisoners in Iran

Two Kurdish prisoners were executed in Urmia and Birjand prisons. On the morning of Thursday, July 25, Kamran Sheikha, a Kurdish prisoner of conscience, was executed in Urmia Central Prison after 14 years of imprisonment. Earlier, he was sentenced to death in a joint case along with 6 other Kurdish prisoners of conscience, namely Qasim Abste, Ayub Karimi, Dawood Abdullahi, Farhad Salimi, Anwar Khezri and Khosrow Basharat, on the charge of "corruption in the land". In the past few months, all six of his casemates were executed in Qezal Hesar prison in Karaj. According to Kurdistan Human Rights Network, on Wednesday, July 24, this prisoner of conscience was suddenly transferred from Mahabad Prison to the solitary cell of Urmia Central Prison, and his death sentence was executed on Thursday morning.
Also, on the morning of Saturday, July 23, the death sentence of Vahid Vahdani, a native of Bojnord, North Khorasan province, who was previously sentenced to death on charges related to "narcotics", was executed in Birjand Central Prison. According to Kurdistan Human Rights Network, this 30-year-old prisoner from Bojnord was arrested and sentenced to death several years ago on charges related to "narcotics". The death sentence of this prisoner was executed in the morning of Tuesday, July 23 along with 6 other prisoners in Birjand Central Prison. According to the report of Iran Human Rights Organization, 285 people have been executed in Iran since the beginning of this year.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Killing and wounding of 3 Kolbers in Sardasht

On the morning of Tuesday, July 16, a group of Kolbers in the mountainous area of ​​"Qandil" of Sardasht city in West Azarbaijan province were shot by the Revolutionary Guard forces, as a result of which Kian Zaini, a young Kolber, was killed, as well as Peyman Qadri and Kivan Qadri, two Kolbers who they are brothers, they were injured. According to the Kurdistan Human Rights Network, IRGC forces stationed at "Kotrle" military base in Sardasht, without prior warning and from a close range, shot at a group of Kolubrans, as a result of which Kian Zaini, a 19-year-old Kolubar from the village of "Rasheh Remi" in Sardasht, was killed and Peyman and Keyvan Qadri were also wounded. According to Kolber News statistics, at least 2 Kolbers have been killed and 13 Kolbers have been injured in the past 10 days. Also, according to the report of this center, in the first six months of this year, at least 34 farmers were killed and 236 farmers were injured.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

At least one person was killed in an RPG attack by the IRGC on a residential house in Oshnaviyeh

In the morning of Tuesday, July 9, the forces of the Hamza camp of the IRGC surrounded and ambushed the village of "Tajandre" in Oshnaviyeh and clashed with a group of several members of the forces of the Kurdish opposition parties. During this conflict, which lasted for several hours, at least one person was killed and another person was arrested after being injured by the IRGC forces. After this conflict, the public relations of Hamzeh Seyyed al-Shohda base of the Revolutionary Guards confirmed the news and announced that "a counter-revolutionary team that was planning to enter the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran from the northwestern borders of the country was ambushed by the forces of this base and was destroyed." " The Kurdistan Human Rights Network has been informed that on the morning of Tuesday, July 9, a convoy of IRGC military forces, equipped with light and semi-heavy weapons, surrounded the village of "Tajandre" in Oshnaviyeh and clashed with a group of several members of one of the Kurdish opposition parties. . IRGC forces targeted one of the residential houses on the outskirts of this village with RPG fire, and as a result of several hours of fighting between these forces, one person, whose identity is unknown, was killed and another person was arrested after being wounded by IRGC forces. Is. It can also be seen in the video that was published on the virtual networks of this residential house that several horses were also lost as a result of the shooting of the IRGC forces.
The IRGC headquarters in Hamza published a statement without mentioning the number of casualties, but only reported that several members of an opposition group were killed and wounded. There is no information about the identities of the two dead and injured people. Hamza Seyed al-Shohada camp, whose headquarters is located in Urmia city, is one of the most well-known IRGC camps, which was formed in 1980 after the start of the conflict between the IRGC forces and members of the Kurdish opposition parties. This camp is in charge of operations against the forces of the Kurdish opposition parties in the provinces of West Azerbaijan and Kurdistan.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Killing and wounding of 7 Kolbers in the border areas of Kermanshah

This morning, Monday, July 8, due to the direct firing of the border regiment forces of the regime in the border strip of Nosud, a Kolber from Salas Babajani with the identity of "Ayoub Mohammadi" lost his life and at least six other Kolbers were also injured. The names of the injured "Masih Moradi, Ayoub Moradi, Mehdi Besharti, Mehran Abdi, Peyman Vaisi and Sami Zarei, all from Ziran village of Kalash district of Javanroud, have been announced. "Ayoub Mohammadi" died after being transferred to Quds Paveh hospital due to the severity of his injuries, and six other Kolbers are being treated in the care department of this hospital. Based on the statistics recorded in Kolbernews, in the first six months of 2024, a total of 270 Kolbers died in the border areas and inter-road routes of West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan and Kermanshah provinces due to factors such as direct fire by the regime military forces, avalanches and frostbite, walking on landmines. , falling from the mountain and height and other cases have been killed and injured. Out of this total, 34 Kolbers, equivalent to (13%) were killed and 236 Kolbers, equivalent to (87%), were wounded. Out of the 270 Kolbars who were killed and wounded in the first six months of 2024, a total of 222 cases (82%) were caused by direct shooting or beatings by the regime's military forces. Also, out of a total of 270 Kolbers who were killed and injured in the first six months of 2024 in the border zone of Kurdistan, 20 of them are children under 18 years old. Comparing the statistics of the first six months of 2024 with the same period of time in 2023, we have seen a 218% increase in the number of killed and wounded in the Kurdistan border.

Monday, July 1, 2024

At least 270 Kolber were killed and wounded in the first six months of 2024

Kolbernews reports that at least 270 Kolbers were killed and injured in the first six months of 2024. Based on the statistics recorded in Kolbernews, in the first six months of 2024, a total of 270 Kolbers died in the border areas and inter-road routes of West Azarbaijan, Kurdistan and Kermanshah provinces due to factors such as direct fire by the regime's military forces, avalanches and frostbite, walking on landmines. , falling from the mountain and height and other cases have been killed and injured. ❖ Out of this total, 34 Kolbers (13%) were killed and 236 Kolbers (87%) were wounded. ❖ 218% increase in the number of killed and injured Kolbers compared to the first half of 2023 ❖ Out of a total of 270 Kolbers who were killed and wounded in the first six months of 2024, a total of 222 cases (82%) were caused by direct shooting or beatings by the military forces of the regime. ❖ Out of a total of 270 Kolbers who were killed and wounded in the Kurdistan border in the first six months of 2024, 20 of them are children under 18 years old.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

In the provinces that were the center of the revolutionary uprising, participation in the elections was at the lowest level

Official and unofficial statistics show that in the provinces that witnessed the most widespread protests during the revolutionary uprising, people's participation in the elections has dropped the most compared to the previous periods. According to these data, in Kurdistan province, which was one of the main foci of Gina Amini's uprising in 2022, the participation rate was 23%. This is despite the fact that in June 2021 elections, the participation rate of this province was announced as 37.4%. Also, in Kermanshah province, which was another focus of the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising, the participation rate in the elections was 32%, while in the 2021 elections, the participation rate in this Kurdistan province was 46%. In the province of Sistan and Baluchistan, which in 2021 according to the official statistics, the participation rate in the elections was 62.8%, this time the official statistics report a 40% voter participation.
In Gilan province, which was one of the focal points of the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising during the revolutionary uprising, the participation rate in the elections was announced at 32.6 percent. This is despite the fact that in the 2021 elections, the official statistics reported the participation of 57% of the people of this province. In Khuzestan province, which is facing extensive economic problems, unemployment and environmental crises, despite the vast energy resources, unofficial statistics show that only 29.6% of people participated in this round of elections. In the 2021 elections, the official statistics of the participation of the people of Khuzestan was announced as 50%. In the city of Tehran, which was one of the centers of protests, the participation rate in the elections was reported as 23%. Most of the victims of the protests of 2022, which is known as the "woman, life, freedom" uprising, were in these areas, especially Kurdistan and Baluchistan.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

One of the survivors of the sunken migrant boat was arrested for the rape and murder of a teenage girl

The Italian police announced the arrest of one of the survivors of the drowned migrant boat on the charge of murdering a teenage Iraqi girl inside the same boat. The Italian news agency reported on Wednesday (June 26) that the man, who was also Iraqi, had raped the girl after her death, although a police spokesman did not confirm this in an interview with AFP. The police statement emphasizes that while the yacht was far from the coast of Italy, the Iraqi man assaulted and assaulted the 16-year-old girl, another survivor of the boat, causing her to suffocate. The Italian police say that the suspect is in custody in the prison of Catanzaro, the capital of the Calabria region.
Among the passengers of the sunken boat that reached the coastal waters of the Calabria region in Italy from Turkey and then capsized, only 12 people survived and efforts to find the missing people continue. On Monday, June 10, a boat with 76 passengers, who were illegal immigrants, set off from the port of Bodrum in Turkey, three days later, on June 13, the boat capsized, and on June 17, the Italian Maritime Police was able to find this boat and rescue its 11 passengers. 8 of them were Kurds. More than half of the boat passengers were Iranian Kurds and Iraqi Kurds.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A call to boycott the elections by a group of injured and arrested people of the 2022 uprising

A group of injured and arrested people of the revolutionary uprising of 1401 called for a boycott of the elections. On the eve of holding the presidential elections of the Islamic Republic of Iran on June 28, a group of the wounded and detainees of the 2022 Gina revolutionary uprising called for an active boycott of the elections. In this announcement, referring to the obsolescence of elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran, participation in these elections is seen as a confirmation of the oppressive nature and years of poverty, discrimination and repression imposed by this regime, and therefore they have called for a boycott of these elections. The text of the announcement is as follows: Announcement of actively boycotting elections A group of the wounded and prisoners of the uprising of the life of Azadi Our vote is to actively boycott the elections and the revolutionary overthrow of the Islamic government of Iran. Following the death of Ebrahim Raeesi, the murderer of thousands of political prisoners and also one of the suppressors of the revolutionary uprising of the women of freedom, the presidential election in Iran will be held on Friday, (June 28) and a year earlier than previously scheduled. What is clear is the fact that during the lifetime of this oppressive government, elections did not have any meaning and what happened is the government appointments for power to be transferred from hand to hand and the possibility of looting among themselves. What the people have experienced during these decades is corruption, oppression, discrimination, oppression, poverty, calamity, misery, death and crime, and the ridiculous show of their elections was nothing but a stamp of approval on this oppressive system. Therefore, we, a group of injured and arrested people of the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising, along with the majority of the people and all the fighters for freedom and equality, are actively boycotting these elections and indeed the appointments. What we mean by active boycott is that we not only do not participate in the elections of this government, but we also actively work against this criminal system and we want the revolutionary overthrow of the Islamic government in Iran, and we will not give up any efforts in this way. The majority of people living in Iran have said no to both factions of this government for years, and especially in the January 2017 and November 2019 uprisings, and especially in the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising, they said a big NO to this regime as a whole. As people who were either injured or arrested in this uprising, we, along with the majority of the people, do not say no to this criminal system and do not say no to the elections of this regime, and we consider it our duty to actively fight against it collectively and unitedly. From our point of view, any participation or association with this ridiculous and engineered election is a seal of approval for crime and association with the murderers of our children. We will fight unitedly against this system, which is always engaged in systematically reproducing discrimination and inequality in all political, social, ethnic, cultural, religious-ideological, economic, sexual, gender and environmental dimensions, and boycotting their elections is one of the least important tasks. Our opinion is only the overthrow of Islamic government A woman of freedom signers: Rada Fatehi - Hero Qadimi - Zaniar Tondro - Aristo Pasiyar - Farzad Moradinia - Adnan Hosseini -Ali Masri-Yahiaserkhani-Vahed Roznourd-Ayoub Abdullahi-Ako Maarofi Azar-Kian Derakhshan-Kivan Samadi-Mehrdad Sabouri.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Yusuf Hajikhosh, a Kurdish political activist, was sentenced to forty months in prison

Yusuf Hajikhosh, a member of the Central Council and the Executive Board of the United Kurdish Front, was sentenced to three years and four months in prison by the Oshnawiyeh Revolutionary Court. According to the Kurdistan Human Rights Network, this Kurdish political activist from Oshnawiyeh was sentenced to three years and four months in prison by the Revolutionary Court of this city headed by Judge Ansari on the charge of "acting against national security" through cooperation with one of the Kurdish opposition parties. became. This verdict was sent to this political activist last week. On the 1st of May, the security forces raided the family home of Yusuf Hajikhosh, a member of the Central Council and Executive Board of the United Front, in the village of "Kuneh Qala" in Oshnawiyeh , and violently arrested him. After his arrest, he was transferred to one of the security detention centers in Urmia, and on May 30, he was temporarily released from Oshnawiyeh prison with a bail of 1 billion tomans. The Kurdish United Front is a political party whose goal is to advance economic and social development programs in Iran, including the Kurdish regions, to ensure people's welfare and prevent discrimination. This front was founded in early 2004 with the cooperation of a group of Kurdish political and cultural activists.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Continued pressure on the families of the victims of the "Woman, Life, Freedom" uprising.

The father and brother of "Kumar Daroftada" one of the victims of the "Woman, Life, Freedom" uprising in Piranshahr city were summoned to the intelligence office of the IRGC. According to the Kurdistan Human Rights Association (KMMK), on Saturday, June 22, Hasan Daroftada and Mardin Daroftada, the father and brother of "Kumar Daroftada", were summoned to the IRGC intelligence office in Piranshahr. According to this report, intelligence forces have interrogated them regarding the continuation of the lawsuit and also the holding of the "Kumar Daroftada" memorial ceremony. A 16-year-old teenager, Kumar Daroftada, was killed by direct fire from Iranian military forces during the demonstration on October 30, 2022 in Piranshahr city. In the past year, many families of the victims of the "Women, Life, Freedom" uprising have faced pressure, arrest and imprisonment.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

In one month, 11 Kurdish citizens were killed and 27 political and civil activists were arrested

In the last month of spring, 11 Kurdish citizens were killed and injured by Iranian military forces, 27 political, civil and cultural activists were also arrested. According to Kurdistan Human Rights Network, between May 21 and June 21, at least 3 Kolbers were killed, 6 Kolbers and 2 other citizens were wounded by Iranian security forces. Also, during this period, 27 political, civil, and cultural activists have been arrested, and prison and exile sentences have been issued for three people, including two journalists. The Kurdistan Human Rights Network has also pointed out that the pressures on the families of the victims of the women, life, freedom uprising, , and the Kurdish political prisoners were also faced with many problems and pressures. Also, last month, a woman was set on fire by her husband in Piranshahr. Regarding the victims of mine explosions in different regions of Kurdistan, two people were killed in Ashnoyeh and Bane due to mine explosions and four others were injured .

Execution of two Kurdish prisoners in Iran

Two Kurdish prisoners were executed in Urmia and Birjand prisons. On the morning of Thursday, July 25, Kamran Sheikha, a Kurdish prisoner o...