Wednesday, July 28, 2021

New report: Islamic Republic kills or abducts “at least 540 Iranians” abroad … 70% occurred in Iraqi Kurdistan

Kurdistan region is hell for Iranian opposition, out of 540 foreign assassinations of Iranian opposition, 380 people have been assassinated in Kurdistan region Abdul Rahman Boroumand Human Rights Center, referring to the news of the Islamic Republic’s attempt to kidnap Masih Ali Nejad, a journalist and political activist living in the United States, published a report and a statement that the Iranian government has “a long hand” in this regard and the Boroumand Foundation “in its ongoing investigation. “It has identified more than 540 Iranians whose successful murder or kidnapping is attributed to the Islamic Republic of Iran.” read more...

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Assassination of Iranian political activists in Iraqi Kurdistan once again

This morning, an Iranian Kurdish political activist was assassinated in the city of Soleimani in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. Behrouz (Rebin) Rahimi, an Iranian Kurdish political activist, was shot dead in the suburbs of Sulaymaniyah on Thursday. read more...

Execution of two Kurdish prisoners in Iran

Two Kurdish prisoners were executed in Urmia and Birjand prisons. On the morning of Thursday, July 25, Kamran Sheikha, a Kurdish prisoner o...